The research has four major outputs as follows:
- A report on the “State of Social Inclusion in Nepal” will demonstrate the social inclusion/exclusion status by gender and social groups through the use and analysis of comprehensive indicators to build a broad multidimensional picture;
- A monograph on “Earthquake Resilience in Nepal: Issues and Challenges”, will describe the micro-dynamics of exclusion, status and barriers to inclusion, and measures needed to improve resilience capacities (absorptive, adaptive, and transformative) for marginalized households/communities through the analysis of the 2015 earthquake reliefs and recoveries/reconstructions as a case study;
- A monograph on “Inclusive Governance in Nepal: Issues and Challenges”, will describe the micro-dynamics of exclusion, status and barriers of inclusion and ways for promoting representation of members of excluded groups in decision making in accordance with the federal design; and
- A series of working documents on various sub-themes, and policy and media briefs to inform the policy-making bodies, general public and scholarly communities, to be disseminated through a series of dialogues and workshops.